Parent Handbook

Dress Code:

The wearing of a CGI t-shirt is mandatory on field trips and will be available for purchase prior to the start of camp, together with the backpack and baseball cap. We suggest purchasing 2-3 shirts.

Personal Property

The Camp does not take responsibility for any personal items brought to camp.

Personal sports equipment such as baseball bats, hockey sticks, sports balls, etc will be stored by the counselor and used under staff supervision.

ABSOLUTELY NO illegal substances or weapons of any kind will be allowed on camp grounds. Camp reserves the right to conduct searches when we feel necessary.

Safety and Accreditation

The camp is fully licensed as a youth camp by the State Department of Health. CGI is also an accredited camp of the American Camping Association. As an additional precaution, all counselors are trained in CPR and First Aid. The swimming pool is supervised at all times by certified lifeguards. When going on field trips, contact is maintained at all times with the camp office by means of mobile communication.

In case of a medical emergency, G‑d forbid, a registered nurse is always at the campsite. Family doctors (listed on the registration papers) and parents or guardians will be contacted immediately.

Security Procedures

A security staff member will be on the camp site all day.

Every counselor will be in constant communication with the main office via walkie-talkies.

Please call the day before if you know your child will not attend camp. We request a phone call by 8:00 a.m. if absence is unexpected.

In case of a major emergency, children will remain on campgrounds and will wait for parents to pick them up.


The Camp Health Manager will be responsible for all health care and for administering medications. All medication to be administered during camp hours must be clearly marked with camper's name. A separate note containing dosage instruction and parent signature must be sent as well.

Camper Release

Parents wishing to have their child released during camp to anyone other than themselves or their designated substitute must make prior arrangements with the camp Director.

Extended Care

Extended care hours and financial assistance, based on need, are available.

We offer Hebrew Tutoring during extended care hours.