This section will be updated regularly and much of the information will be incorporated into the Summer 2020 Parent Handbook.


What are some of the changes we can expect in camp this summer and what is CGI doing to mitigate the risks?
While this summer program will look very different from what our families are used to, we will still operate our camp using our three guiding principles: ‘Safe. Fun. Jewish.’

Obviously a major focus of this summer will be on safety. As things look at this point, based on current CDC and ACA guidelines, we will have the following changes:

·  There will be no bus transportation  or extended care;

·  We will have a slightly longer drop off window;

·  There will be no trips and very limited onsite entertainment or specialists;

·  The majority of the camp day will be spent outdoors. We will be putting up lots of shade spots;

·  We will not be offering 2, 3 or 4 day options so that we can keep our cohorts as stable as possible. There will also be a minimum of 2 consecutive weeks;

·  We will be limiting the size of each group. As such we will likely have to turn down campers when we meet the limit;

·  We will not be allowing visitors or parents on to the campus;

·  Parents will not be allowed to accompany their child/children on to campus;

·  Campers and staff will be screened daily for symptoms and temperatures will be taken;

·  There will be an additional waiver that addresses the COVID-19 pandemic.


Can I cancel my reservations?
Unfortunately, in going through all the guidelines and requirements, it is evident that we will not be able to provide bus transportation or  extended care at all. The proposed setup of the camp will run following the household cohort model and will not allow us to mix groups. We realize that for some this will make camp inconvenient or not feasible. While we have always been very flexible in our registration and cancellation policies, due to the extensive planning and organizing that it will take to service the children safely in this new camp model, we are forced to set a deadline for cancellation refunds. If these or any future changes will affect your decision about camp this summer, you can cancel your registration through June 22


You will have any one of these three options for your paid deposit:

·  Receive a full refund;

·  Keep it as a credit towards summer 2021;

·  Turn it into a donation to help us bridge our budget shortfall.


What if I am not comfortable with my child going to camp?
If you are not comfortable sending your kids to camp or if there are other obstacles to attending, we’ll be offering a “Gan Izzy in the Box” option. This option will include a Jewish learning curriculum, activities, games and projects, some with a digital component, and virtual events with world class entertainers. This will be delivered to your home with all materials included. If you would like more information about this option, please reach out to [email protected]


What are the camp hours?

Due to the COVID -19 situation, camp’s hours have been adjusted. We will be running from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM  Monday thru Friday. There is no camp on July 4th.



What time is drop off and pickup?
Drop off will be from 9:15 until 10:00 AM and pickup will be from 2:20-2:45  PM. There will be special guidelines for these times that will be included in our Summer 2020 Parent Handbook.


Will the camp fees be adjusted?
All option fees, including transportation and extended care will be cancelled and you will not be charged for them. Although summer camp this year is going to look very different from years past and there will be no trips, the cost for camp will remain the same. On our end, there are a host of expenses relating directly to COVID-19, including a full time maintenance staff in charge of sanitizing, PPE, hand sanitizer, water bottles, sneeze screens, shade structures and a whole lot more and we will invest a lot more into the on campus program. With the limit on how many campers we can take, we anticipate our per camper cost actually being higher this summer.


My child comes from out of town and stays with relatives during the summer. Is he/she welcome to come this summer?
Based on the current available guidance, we will not accept campers from outside of our general geographic area, unless they attest that they have been quarantined and symptom free for 14 days.


How did you come to this decision?
We spent countless hours combing through the information released by the 

·  American Camp Association, including their ‘Camp Operations Guide Summer 2020;’

·  Center for Disease Control;

·  The San Diego  County Health Department.

We consulted with:

·  An allergist, an immunologist;

·  An infectious disease specialist;

·  A general practitioner.

We participated in presentations made by a number of other epidemiologists, infectious disease doctors, healthcare consultants and more.

We worked with other local and national camps to identify some best practices to keep our campers and staff as safe as possible.


Does the county allow this?
As we can fit into the childcare category, our county has already opened up to childcare as long as the facility follows the CDC guidelines.


Will my child/children have to wear a mask all day?
We hope that campers will not have to wear masks, at least while outdoors, but we will follow the current recommendations.


Will my child/children have to socially distance from their peers?

Based on our current guidance, campers within one group/cohort will be allowed to intermingle more closely than 6’, but will still avoid touching and sharing materials.

Will there be swimming in the camp pools?
Based on current guidance, public pools are closed. If this changes, we will add swimming to the schedule. We do hope to have some type of water activities on camp grounds.