• Hot Dogs
  • Latke Cooking
  • Macabee Sports Games
  • Chanukah Video Games
  • Giant Menorah Lighting
  • Donut Decorating
  • Chanukah Gelt
  • Olive Oil Press
  • Sculpt a Menorah out of Clay
  • Pictures with Judah the Macabee
  • Live Music

    In order to cater our program to all ages, we will be dividing activities. Each age group will receive a colored wristband, and they will follow a counselor with the matching color.
    Children under age 5 will remain with their parents at all times.
    Please take note of your age group color: up to age 5: Green > Ages 6-8: Red > Ages 9-13: Blue.

    Sunday December 12
    3:00 - 5:30 PM
    @ Chabad

    $15 per person
    $50 per family
    BE A SPONSOR - $360

    This Chanukah make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate:

     Chanukah Coat Drive

    Bring your new or old coats along to Chanukah Wonderland and donate them to needy children in Vilna.  

    RSVP Here or by call our office.